Monday, December 12, 2011

December SEO News

Topics Covered:
Facebook Marketing
Google Patent
SEO Tips
And more

One last thing: If you don't have a killer Facebook Fan Page with a custom tab (studies show fans grow 44% faster with a custom tab) now is the time to get one. Save $50 for a limited time. Email me for details.

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Google Algorithm Update

I recently received an email telling me that it's insulting that I act like I "know and am friends with" the people that subscribe to my newsletter. Since I never want to be insulting, let me start by saying:

Dear person I do not know, please find important and impersonal information below. If I knew you, I may say you would find this info helpful but since I don't know you, I would never presume to know what info you like....

OK, can't do it. Sorry guys, it's my style. I like people and I like my work, so I come across as <gasp> friendly and personable. Needless to say, she is no longer on my list to endure the blatant insults. :)

So now that I got that little rant out of the way (it's cloudy and cool this morning in Huntington Beach - seems like a perfect rant worthy morning), lemme share some info with you....

Google has made a bunch of algorithm changes recently (about 10) - which is not newsworthy in and of itself - they always make changes. I'll cover the other ones in my next newsletter. But there is one that is worth talking about now.

It seems freshness is good not only in baked goods but also in the engines (yep, another attempt at humor, don't tell my husband, he still doesn't get how funny I am!)

OK, back to Google freshness.... Here is a quote from them:

"As we announced just over a week ago, we've made a significant improvement to how we rank fresh content. This change impacts roughly 35 percent of total searches (around 6-10% of search results to a noticeable degree) and better determines the appropriate level of freshness for a given query."

So the take away? Keep content fresh! Hmmm, I think I've been saying that for years. It's becoming more important than ever. Especially if you are in an industry where things are changing and there are clear and strong trends - you want to keep feeding fresh content to the bots (resisting the urge to insert a really bad joke here about them eating fresh content and me preferring fresh bread!).

You are busy running your business and taking care of a zillion things but content addition needs to make your list of things to do - unless you are outsourcing. Someone needs to be adding high quality content to your site.

OK, this is a long one, so 2 last things and then I'll let you go.

A tip from PubCon: Matt Cutts said that Google was testing algorithms that determine how much content is available above the fold on your web pages. He cautioned that sites that have ads that obscure content could be in trouble. Check your site - do your website visitors see the content easily and readily on your site or is it obstructed by ads and other distractions?

Lastly, I wanted to remind you about (and shameless promote) my book:

Every day I get so many questions about SEO, social media, budget for SEO, Blogging and more. I realized that a lot of you may not know about my book Breaking The SEO Code.
For under $15 you can access to my book with all the step by step details on SEO, in-depth social media information and Blogging etc.

Who is this book good for:
1. Anyone that wants to do their own SEO on their site
2. Anyone that wants to understand SEO so they know if their current contractor is actually doing a good job or not
3. Anyone that wants one source of info they can trust on SEO, Blogging and social media
4. Anyone that knows a little about SEO but wants to know more

Saturday, October 1, 2011

SEO Case Studies

Real Results!

I wanted to take a minute to share some really cool results that real clients have gotten from SEO:

Check out this case studies and see for yourself the full impact of optimization.

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Before EcomBuffet: 0 top rankings
Now: 386 top rankings
"Ecombuffet has provided us with excellent results. We have seen a 200 % increase in booking via internet sites" - David Breithaupt

If you are interested in achieving results like these for your own site and aren't able to do the work yourself, please contact me to request a consultation or a proposal. I will outline how I can help you and what the costs would be. No obligation.

Can you afford not to find out how to improve rankings, traffic and sales?

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One final quote I wanted to share with you: "I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse" -- Florence Nightingale

16417 Lazare Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649, USA

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Secret SEO Tip To Spy On Your Competitors

Here's a quick and easy way to see what content your competitors (or even you) have for any given keyword phrase.

Once you know how much content you both have, you can create an action plan to build more content and beat them out!

In your Google toolbar or the search box on type in:
=> Keyword Here

So for example if you wanted to search CNN to see how many pages refer to election you would type: election

Hope it helps you to spy on your competitor!

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Friday, September 9, 2011

The Importance of SEO in Todays Market

SEO has evolved and changed over the years (I've been doing this for over 10 years and have seen so much change sometimes my head spins). One thing that remains constant is the importance of SEO. Actually that isn't even entirely accurate. SEO continues to become more important.

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Back in the good old days, not everyone understood the importance of SEO so there was less competition. As more and more companies realize the importance and hire an SEO company, the competition continues to get even more fierce and the importance of getting listed in the engines is greater.

Now add the economy into the mix, and things really start to heat up.

As much as I hate to bring up the economy (we are inundated with talk of the economy all day long) I have to. Not because I want to add to the negative talk out there, but because the poor economy is actually playing an interesting role in how people search online. More than ever people are comparison shopping, so getting your site listed on top is even more crucial. You want to be one of the sites they consider when they are doing their comparison shopping. You also want to make sure your site is in tip-top form so that you can earn that business while they are doing their comparison shopping.

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Another interesting tid bit about people's shopping habits in this crazy economy: while people always look for a deal - they are now looking for who offers the best value and not necessarily the cheapest price. Rather than automatically lowering your prices like everyone does, why not try building up the value? Make yourself stand out from the crowd. Add some freebies in there and win them over with the value you offer!

So, the take away here?
  1. Make sure your site is listed on top of the engines.
  2. Make sure your site is a selling machine and prepared to convert your traffic into good old fashioned paying customers.
  3. Consider bulking up your offerings to increase the value and make sure people feel it's a no brainer to do business with you.

That's all for today. Stay tuned for a cool SEO trick that allows you to spy on your competitors a little bit!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Getting On Top Of The Engines With Twitter

Real-time search is still a part of SEO and the relationship between social media and SEO continues to cement itself and become more important!
I am hearing a lot of questions and talk from people who don't know how to best take advantage of this new opportunity. I suggest you read my book for more details, but here is a summary of what you need to do:

1. Get tweeting now, so you can start to build some history and get yourself in real-time search.
2. Tweet often and use keywords well (but never spam or bombard people with keyword stuffed text)
3. Include links in your tweets
4. Don't feed your tweets and Facebook status messages to each other anymore, go unique on each.
5. Create a Facebook Fan Page (with all the bells and whistles so you get the most out of it)

The first point above is the most important - if you aren't on Twitter you need to be. If you are already on Twitter, make sure you know what you are doing and make sure you are tweeting effectively.

If you need more traffic and exposure, then you need this: Best SEO Plugin for your website


Friday, September 2, 2011

Facebook Fan Pages - Do You Really Need One?


You've heard all the buzz about Facebook. If you're like most people, you fall in one of two scenarios:

You are already excited and on board with it with a killer Fan Page
You are confused and don't know how to participate in the action.

I'm going to help with that confusion, in just a minute.

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There is no denying the importance of Facebook. We are seeing the numbers of users growing regularly and we are also seeing the amount of time spent on Facebook increasing. More importantly, we are seeing that people are proactively seeking out pages to "like" (become a Fan of) and people are starting to search for what they need in social media sites and not necessarily on Google or other search engines.

No this doesn't mean you should stop worrying about SEO, there are still hundreds of millions of searches each day but what it does mean is there is a section of your audience that you are missing out on if you ignore social media.

A recent deal between Bing and Facebook also gives an advantage to pages that are "liked" in Facebook. Let me explain.

You can see if any of your friends have liked a page in the search results before you go to it. Pages that are liked will be promoted in Bing results.

That means if anyone "likes" your page and then one of their friends does a search on Bing relevant to you, the fact that their friend "liked" your page, gives it prominence on the page. That is not such a big deal when only a handful of people "like" you but it becomes more powerful when more and more people "like" your page.

For those of you that don't get know what it means to be "liked" I probably just confused you - don't worry. The point you need to understand is the ties between the engines and social media are getting stronger and it's no longer a matter of "should you get a Fan Page" - it's now - "what will I put on my Fan Page to make it really good".

If you need more traffic and exposure, then you need this: Best SEO Plugin for your website

Monday, August 29, 2011

SEO Action Plan and plugin

If you need more traffic and exposure, then you need this: Best SEO Plugin for your website

As always I want to keep this short and to the point - you are visiting this blog because you are looking for ways to increase rankings, traffic and to learn about social media. We've created a PDF that details step by step how to create more exposure for your site. This document is not available to the public and you are only receiving it as a thank you for being on our blog.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Optimization Step By Step

I have a ton (10 years worth) of SEO information floating around in my brain and sitting down to share the key points with you in an overview was actually a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Let me know if you have any questions as you read through the material. Also, I'd love to hear your thoughts so I welcome any feedback!

Stay tuned for SEO tips and advice and some really cool info about marketing in a tough economy.

You'll get your Social Media Strategy, Action Plan and 2011 Checklist tomorrow!

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