Friday, September 9, 2011

The Importance of SEO in Todays Market

SEO has evolved and changed over the years (I've been doing this for over 10 years and have seen so much change sometimes my head spins). One thing that remains constant is the importance of SEO. Actually that isn't even entirely accurate. SEO continues to become more important.

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Back in the good old days, not everyone understood the importance of SEO so there was less competition. As more and more companies realize the importance and hire an SEO company, the competition continues to get even more fierce and the importance of getting listed in the engines is greater.

Now add the economy into the mix, and things really start to heat up.

As much as I hate to bring up the economy (we are inundated with talk of the economy all day long) I have to. Not because I want to add to the negative talk out there, but because the poor economy is actually playing an interesting role in how people search online. More than ever people are comparison shopping, so getting your site listed on top is even more crucial. You want to be one of the sites they consider when they are doing their comparison shopping. You also want to make sure your site is in tip-top form so that you can earn that business while they are doing their comparison shopping.

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Another interesting tid bit about people's shopping habits in this crazy economy: while people always look for a deal - they are now looking for who offers the best value and not necessarily the cheapest price. Rather than automatically lowering your prices like everyone does, why not try building up the value? Make yourself stand out from the crowd. Add some freebies in there and win them over with the value you offer!

So, the take away here?
  1. Make sure your site is listed on top of the engines.
  2. Make sure your site is a selling machine and prepared to convert your traffic into good old fashioned paying customers.
  3. Consider bulking up your offerings to increase the value and make sure people feel it's a no brainer to do business with you.

That's all for today. Stay tuned for a cool SEO trick that allows you to spy on your competitors a little bit!