Sunday, February 24, 2013

SEO Rant

Which one of those statements is true for you?

I am willing to invest time or money to get top rankings.
I am not willing to invest time or money to get top rankings.

Which one of those statements is true for you?

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Not many things in life are black and white...but getting top rankings for your website is.

You either have them or you don't AND you are either willing to do something to get them, or you're not.

I think a lot of people fool themselves into thinking they will do what it takes and then when the times comes to invest the time or put up money, they don't follow through.

I don't mean to be too blunt, and I definitely don't mean to be offensive but I do want to be honest and hopefully get you thinking.

It's worth repeating.

You either have top rankings or you don't.
You are either willing to do something to get top rankings, or you aren't.

What is true for you and what does that truth mean to you, your business and your goals?

It has been said that inaction is action, in and of itself.  So, the question is - you are already taking action in some form, so are you taking the right action?

SEO may not be for you.  You may not want a lot of new traffic and leads and sales.  If that's the case, that's OK.

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But if you want or need traffic, leads and sales - then you need top rankings.

Not sure where that come from, but I guess that was my little rant for the day!  Stay tuned for more SEO tips.