Sunday, February 24, 2013

SEO Rant

Which one of those statements is true for you?

I am willing to invest time or money to get top rankings.
I am not willing to invest time or money to get top rankings.

Which one of those statements is true for you?

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Not many things in life are black and white...but getting top rankings for your website is.

You either have them or you don't AND you are either willing to do something to get them, or you're not.

I think a lot of people fool themselves into thinking they will do what it takes and then when the times comes to invest the time or put up money, they don't follow through.

I don't mean to be too blunt, and I definitely don't mean to be offensive but I do want to be honest and hopefully get you thinking.

It's worth repeating.

You either have top rankings or you don't.
You are either willing to do something to get top rankings, or you aren't.

What is true for you and what does that truth mean to you, your business and your goals?

It has been said that inaction is action, in and of itself.  So, the question is - you are already taking action in some form, so are you taking the right action?

SEO may not be for you.  You may not want a lot of new traffic and leads and sales.  If that's the case, that's OK.

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But if you want or need traffic, leads and sales - then you need top rankings.

Not sure where that come from, but I guess that was my little rant for the day!  Stay tuned for more SEO tips.

3 Simple Questions

I wanted to ask you a favor.  I'm trying to get a feel for what my subscribers are looking for.  I want to be able to answer your questions and provide you with the info you are looking for you.

Would you be willing to hit reply and answer 3 really simple questions?  I'd appreciate it!
  1. What is your biggest question related to SEO, or what topic interests you most? (Ex: links, social media, writing keyword rich text, just getting on the top of the engines, etc)
  2. If you aren't currently doing SEO (either yourself or by outsourcing to a company), why not?
  3. If I were able to demonstrate the value of SEO and show you the traffic that you have the potential to tap into, would you be interested in working with me?  (C'mon, can't blame a girl for asking!  I'd love the opportunity to earn your business and thought I'd just come right out and ask if that's a possibility)
I appreciate your time and your feedback.  I promise I'll compile all the answers and start addressing the questions and topics through my newsletter and Blog.

SEO Made Simple

So you want to learn about SEO?

Maybe you want to handle your own SEO?  Maybe you want to brush up on your understanding so you can check on the work an SEO firm is doing for you?  Maybe you are just curious and want to learn more?

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Learn about social media, link building, on-page optimization, writing for the engines,  Google tips, Bing tips and more!

Get life time updates at no charge (pretty cool, if I do say so myself)

Check it out now:  =>> Click Here for Best SEO Plugin for your website

Have a great day and thanks for letting me into your inbox.  I always appreciate it.  As always I welcome questions and feedback.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Did You Pass The Test?

I wanted to share a powerful marketing tip with you today.  This is something that when done properly, can improve your results and increase your sales WITHOUT adding a single penny to your costs.

This is something that all successful internet marketers have so ingrained into them; they mumble it in their sleep!

Test, Test, Test!

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So, testing - that's nothing new.  What's the big deal?  The big deal is that most people overlook this and miss the opportunity to significantly improve their response rate.

Let me explain....

You run a PPC campaign on Google AdWords and you have one ad running. Let's say you sell shoes, and here is the ad you were running.

Designer Shoes are Affordable
Women's Designer Shoes
Big names, great prices

Now, let's say your click through rate (number of people that click on your ad) is 4.2%.  You are happy, because that's better than you've ever done before. What most people do is keep running with that ad.  What we want you to remember to do is Split Test.

All that means is create a second version of your ad, to compete against your first version and see who wins.

So, now look at version 2:

Designer Shoes are Affordable
Lady's Designer Shoes
Big names, great prices

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Do you see the difference?  Only one word (more about that in a minute).  In the first ad we have

Women's Designer Shoes and in the second ad we have Lady's Designer Shoes.

So, let's look at the results.

Ad 1 - 4.2 click through rate
Ad 2 - 5.1 click through rate!

You just increased your response rate by 21.4%!  No extra costs, simply changing one word and getting an improved response.

Why did more people click on Lady's than Women's?  We don't know, we may never know, but we also don't care.  All we know is have now improved our click through rate!

Now are we done?  Not even close.  Now we take Ad 2, and create another ad to split test against Ad 2.  You can constantly test 2 ads against each other and incrementally increase your response rates.

What can you test?  Anything and everything!  Test your ads, test headlines on your site, test your pricing.

Test, test, test.

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There's so much more about testing that I could go into, but we'll have to save that for another
time.  For now, just remember these 2 important points...


2. Only make one change in each test for accurate results.  If you were to change the headline and the middle text on Ad 2, you wouldn't know which was the cause of the higher response.  So, take one thing at a time and test, test, test.

I hope you enjoyed, and will profit from, the invaluable concept of testing.  I have nothing to sell or offer you today - just wanted to pass along this advice, as it has put tons of extra money into our bank account and I know it can do the same for you!

By the way, Google has a great tool (that is available at no cost) that allows you to set up these split tests easily.  Check out Google Website Optimizer!

Google and Sites That Don't Belong

SEO is complex.  SEO is maddening.  SEO is confusing.  But more than anything  SEO is EFFECTIVE.

It is unanimously agreed that SEO is the top source of driving targeted traffic to sites. Everyone wants top SEO rankings.  The problem is, you look at the SERPs (search engine results pages) and you find sites there that you don't expect to.  You see sites that are filled with spam, you see sites with no content, you see sites with no inbound links.

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And worst of all is what you don't see - YOUR site.

It makes no sense - you've done everything you can, followed all the rules and still your site is no where.  How are these other sites that don't belong there holding on to your coveted spot?

The truth is, as smart as the engines are, they don't catch all the garbage sites out there as quickly as we would like them to.  There are 2 things we can do to help eradicate this problem.

1.  Report any and all spam and garbage sites to Google (and the other engines you use).  This is not being a tattle tale, this is not going out for revenge.  This is simply asking Google to uphold the rules that they are asking you to follow.  It is saying, "I'm playing fair here, so level the playing field so my competitors that are "less-than ethical" don't rule the SERPs".  To notify

Google of a spam site, click here:

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2.  The second thing you can do is follow best practices 100%.  Be aggressive, be proactive, but be ethical.  The more people insist on "black hat" tactics, the more sites we'll see that are sneaking by Google.   Know that with active efforts Google is making daily to weed out spam - you have everything to gain by patiently, aggressively and ethically optimizing your site.